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11 Posts in this encyclopedia category

Cargo pocket

The cargo pocket is a characteristic feature of workwear and offers a practical solution for storing and transporting tools, equipment, and personal items. These pockets are known for their generous size, durability, and functionality.

CLO value

The Clo value is a unit of measurement that describes the insulation value of clothing in terms of thermal resistance. A Clo of 1 means that a person can survive comfortably at rest in an environment with a temperature of 21°C and a humidity of 50% without feeling cold. The higher the Clo value, the greater the thermal insulation of the clothing.

Clothing layers

Clothing layers are a strategy for optimizing thermal protection and insulation in clothing, especially in environments with extremely low temperatures. This technique involves wearing multiple coordinated clothing layers to protect the body from the cold while ensuring freedom of movement.

Coil zipper

The coil zipper, also known as a spiral or continuous zipper, is a type of fastening system consisting of two narrow tapes and a spiral or looped element that connects these tapes together.

Cold insulation (CI)

The abbreviation "CI" stands for "Cold Insulation," referring to the ability of footwear to keep cold at bay and protect the wearer's feet in cold working environments. This is particularly relevant in industries such as food processing, warehousing, or other workplaces with low temperatures.

Cold protection clothing (to EN 342)

Cold protection clothing is specialized attire designed to protect the wearer from low temperatures and cold exposure. It is often used in professions where employees are exposed to extremely cold conditions, such as in deep-freeze storage facilities or outdoor work during the winter months.

Cold protection gloves

Cold protection gloves are specially designed gloves that serve to protect the hands from the adverse effects of cold and low temperatures. These gloves are designed to keep the hands warm while ensuring the wearer's mobility and comfort. They are commonly used in work environments where cold temperatures could pose a potential hazard, as well as in outdoor recreational activities.

Cold resistance

Cold resistance refers to the ability of a material or product to maintain its structure, functionality, and performance even under extreme cold conditions. It describes the resilience of a material to adverse temperatures without compromising its integrity or effectiveness. Cold resistance is particularly important in areas where materials, equipment, and clothing are used in low-temperature environments.

Corporate Identity (CI)

Corporate Identity (CI) encompasses the consistent visual appearance of a company or organization, reflected in design, colors, logo, communication, and other visual elements. Regarding workwear, Corporate Identity refers to the consistent representation of the company's identity on work clothing and protective attire.


Cotton is a natural fiber obtained from the seed hairs of the cotton plant. It is one of the oldest materials used for textile production and is used globally.

Cut protection (Classes)

Cut protection refers to the safety measures and materials developed to protect workers from cut and stab injuries in various work environments. This protection is crucial for minimizing the risk of injuries.