EN ISO 20345
The EN ISO 20345 is a standard that specifies safety footwear and defines their requirements for the protection and safety of workers in various environments. These shoes are designed to protect the wearer from injuries and hazards at the workplace. A common feature of all safety shoes is the toe cap, which must withstand a force of at least 200 joules.
S-Categories (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5):
- S1: Category S1 safety shoes provide basic protection and are antistatic.
- S2: S2 shoes offer basic protection, are antistatic, and water repellent.
- S3: These are shoes with basic protection, puncture resistance, and water resistance.
- S4: S4 shoes are antistatic and water repellent, but without puncture protection.
- S5: S5 shoes combine basic protection, puncture resistance, and water resistance.
Additional Protective Features:
- A: Antistatic
- C: Conductivity
- E: Energy absorption in the heel area
- P: Puncture-resistant midsole
- CI: Cold insulating sole
- HI: Heat insulating sole
- FO: Oil & petrol resistant sole
- HRO: Behavior against contact heat
- WR: Waterproofness of the entire shoe
- WRU: Waterproofness of the upper part of the shoe
- SRA: Slip resistance (ceramic tile/cleaning agent)
- SRB: Slip resistance (steel floor/glycerin)
- SRC: Both SRA and SRB are met
- DGUV: Certification maintained with orthopedic insole
EN 20345 ensures that safety shoes meet the specific requirements of various working environments and maximize the protection of wearers.
Safety shoes from Fortdress
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