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Tools with a Safety Factor.
Detectable tools are of great importance in the food industry. They keep things running smoothly to ensure the safety of your products. Detectable plastic hammers, sealing clamps, bin covers and plastic ID tags help to work safely in the industry.
What are detectable tools for?
Many industries work with products where clean and safe processing is paramount. Especially when working with food, ensuring flawless products is important. Detectable tools help to produce and deliver high quality, healthy and safe products for the consumer.
To achieve this goal, strict quality control methods must be implemented to prevent food contamination. According to IFS (International Food Standards), manufacturers must take all necessary steps to avoid contamination of the product by foreign bodies. So when it comes to product protection, detectable items are here to stay. Lost cable ties, stopwatches or even plastic hammers can enter the production chain unnoticed. Detectable products offer a simple and safe solution.
What are detectable tools?
Detectable tools are working materials that can be detected by detectors. This means that detectable products can be reliably found if they get into production. The usually eye-catching blue colour of detectable tools supports visual recognition and ensures hygiene, safety and quality in production and of the products. The blue colour is naturally rare in food production and therefore stands out well from the products.
How do detectable objects work?
The metal incorporated in the detectable items is detected by metal detectors. In this way, items such as cable ties, plastic hammers, stopwatches or closure clips can be detected and removed before they continue through food production.