Food Safety for the Industry, Production and Processing.
Detectable products are predominantly used in the food industry, production and processing. According to IFS standards, manufacturing companies must take all necessary steps to prevent contamination of the food they produce by foreign bodies. Unnoticed, parts of ballpoint pens, knives, plasters or hearing protection, for example, could enter the production chain. Detectable products guarantee maximum safety here, so that no contaminated food gets into circulation. A special filler contained in detectable products ensures reliable detection by detectors. Foreign objects are detected in time and removed before they continue to pass through food production. The deliberately unnatural blue colour additionally supports visual detection.
What describes Food Safety?
Food safety describes all monitored processes that are dedicated to the safe preparation, handling and storage of food. The goal of food safety is to maintain hygiene in food production and thus prevent foodborne illness and injury on the part of the end consumer. Food producers and processors must comply with a wide range of food standards, laws, regulations and ordinances related to food safety.
Food Safety Culture
A practised food safety culture makes the company less vulnerable to incidents that could cause food contamination. The EU Commission has revised Regulation 852 as the legal basis for food safety in the EU.
Essential for the implementation of the Food Safety Culture in the company is the comprehensive training of employees with regard to hygiene, HACCP and other regulations, which are prerequisites for the implementation of the Food Safety Culture.
Food safety culture describes the shared values, beliefs and norms that influence food safety attitudes and behaviour throughout the organisation. Food safety culture elements are the elements of food safety management that a company's management can use to promote a food safety culture within the company.
Who is responsible for food safety?
In principle, the operator of a food business is responsible for the safety of its products and compliance with food law requirements. The control of compliance with these regulations is the task of the respective federal states.
HACCP Concept
HACCP stands for "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" and describes the concept on which all internationally recognised food safety management programmes are based. For food processors and manufacturers, understanding HACCP is critical to implementing systems and procedures that minimise risks, protect consumers and uphold the company's reputation.
HACCP is an internationally recognised method for reducing food safety risks during both the production, processing and handling (e.g. transport and storage) of food. The HACCP concept involves identifying and evaluating all potential food safety hazards and then establishing a procedure to proactively control and reduce the risks.
HACCP focuses on the control of avoidable and eliminable food safety risks based on two control points:
- Hazard analysis refers to the identification and analysis of food safety hazards present in the processes of a food processing facility. In particular, it focuses on the assessment of potential sources of microbiological, chemical and physical contamination.
- Critical control pointsrefer to important points in a food processing operation where controls can be applied to prevent or eliminate food safety hazards or to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
Is the implementation of a HACCP concept required?
Because of its effectiveness in preventing contamination hazards, the HACCP methodology is the basis for all internationally recognised guidelines and numerous food safety laws.
Detectable products in the food safety area
Detectable items are mainly used in the food industry, production and processing. Detectable products are also used in companies where food is further processed or packaged. In sensitive areas of the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, detectable articles are also used. The main goal is to produce and supply high quality, healthy and safe products for consumers. To achieve this goal, strict quality control methods must be implemented to prevent food contamination.
According to IFS (International Food Standards), manufacturers must take all necessary steps to avoid contamination of the product by foreign bodies. When it comes to product protection, detectable items are therefore indispensable. Lost pens, clipboards or even protective clothing can enter the production chain unnoticed. Detectable articles offer a simple and safe solution.